Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome, here are some of frequently asked questions about Cub Scouts:
FAQs - Signing Up and Costs
How much does Cub Scouts Cost? To join Pack 190 there is an annual registration fee of $125 for the year. This money goes to pay for all the badges and awards that your scout earns throughout the year. Pack 190 is a non-profit and all registration money goes right back to running the Cub Scouts to support Pack functions, trips, and activities for your children. | |
What benefits are there for my child by signing up for Cub Scouts? If you are a busy parent, then your family and children can benefit from Scouting because your children will get access to all a whole set of unique events and experiences without you having to personally plan all of them because they are run through the Cub Scout Pack. There are many benefits to joining. For example, your child will get to learn responsibility, leadership, teamwork, the importance of health and exercise, new skills, and have unique adventures with kids of their age. Cub Scouts is based upon teaching kids important values in how to live positive and impactful lives for themselves and their community. Also, they will get positive social interaction with kids from their peer group while getting to have fun on activities such as camping, building/racing cars with the pinewood derby, STEM projects, boating/swimming, and climbing adventures in places such as Dexterity Depot, participating in parades, and launching rockets. Many studies have shown that kids generally have better lives, and become more successful and have more impactful lives as adults when they participated in Boy Scouts in their youth. | |
How do I sign up? Please contact us by email ( and let us know that are you interested in joining! Afterward, you will receive information on our next in-person event in which you and your Scout can meet and talk to Pack 190 Leaders and Adults. Also, you can receive an application at the in-person event. | |
When can I sign up? The Cub Scout year generally follows the school district calendar year. Thus, the yearly Scouting program traditionally starts in the fall in September and ends May 31st. Thus, August and September are the most popular times to sign up. However, you can sign your children up anytime during the year. If you sign up mid-year, your child will get to participate in all Cub Scout activities immediately however they may have to make up some missed adventures on their own (this only applies if they are interested in finishing all their badge requirements for that year). | |
Can I attend a meeting before officially submitting my registration and payment? Generally yes, you will have the option to an attend a meeting and talk with people from the Pack before officially registering and paying. Please ask a leader from the Pack to double check first and let them know that you plan on attending. Also, you have the option to attend our annual season kick-off picnic in early August to meet and interact with adults and kids from Pack 190 before signing up. This meeting is specifically tailored to introducing new families into Scouting and helping them along the way. The kick-off picnic is held in Mechanicsburg. Please use the email link from our website to contact a leader from the Pack about attending this picnic if interested. | |
What if I can't afford Cub Scouts right for my family right now? The Pack is flexible and willing to work with you on individual and confidential basis. We want your kids to have the opportunity to be involved with Cub Scouts. Your Scout can earn free registration, free fall camp and summer camp at very reduced prices by being active to help the Pack sell Popcorn in the fall. Further, uniforms may be obtained in some instances for free from the Pack's uniform bank (which is a collection of previously used Cub Scout uniforms donated from Scouts who no longer need them). | |
Can you be more specific on how exactly you get free registration and what are show-and-sell hours anyway? One requirement for free registration is that one adult and Scout work 5 hours of show-and-sell fundraising (this means working a Cub Scout booth in 1 to 2 hour shifts on 3 weekends in the fall in front of a major retail store selling popcorn, e.g. in front of Lowes, Sportsman Warehouse, etc.). The 5 hour show-and-sell requirement ends up being good real-world experience for the Scout to learn about raising money, talking to people, and being productive. The second requirement is that at least 1 adult from the Scout's family becomes a volunteer in the organization. There is a large range of volunteer opportunities available including some where you work with the kids as well as some where you work behind the scenes. If you are interested, an active leader in the Pack can inform you which volunteer positions are available with vacancies. For most families, you will pay the $90 fee up-front and get reimbursed about 1 month later once you have met the 5-hour show-and-sell requirement and have committed to working a volunteer position. | |
What if I am interested in Cub Scouts but do not live near Mechanicsburg? Please check the national BSA website to see if a local pack exists in your area. | |
Why can't I find all the specific details online about your Den meetings? Specific information about many of the Cub Scout meetings is not-publicly accessible over the Internet for the protection of the children. You can see many pictures and videos of our past events on our public Facebook page at: Once you meet with the Pack at an event and officially register, you will be given your own login name and password in which you can then access the members' portion of our website that includes more-specific calendar information related to the CubScout events. This portion of the website will give you all the information you need to stay up-to-date with all Cub Scout Pack events and related communications. |